Structure through folding

I have been looking at the work of the sculptor Richard Serra. Although Serra works predominatly in steel and other industrial, heavy materials, I think his work and gesture is relevant for our study of folding the paper. We might be folding paper but Serra is essentially offering the same gesture except in a different medium. Through giving rise to these structures he is creating space. There is an inherent sense of motion and scale within his work.
 Richard Serra, Juncture 2011

The subtle "pinches" in Serra's work create complex curvatures and a sense of motion.
I have been assembling a series of sketch models that also explore this notion of folding to create structure. I have tried a variety of different sizes, number of folds, fold sizes, cuts within the folds, and combining models together. I plan on affixing ramps or movement planes to these "structures" in order to make the marble move.

Sketch models of all shapes and sizes - showing folds giving rise to structure.

1 comment :

  1. Though Serra's work is dominated by vertical structures, he is able to create enclosure, imply movement, and encourage dynamic habitation through the aggregation of tilting and undulating planes. The relationship between the planes (and also the surrounding context) becomes just as powerful, if not more so, than the planes themselves. I'm really interested in how you might be able to appropriate some of these concepts in your own constructions, though perhaps in a horizontal orientation? It looks like you are beginning to discover order and structure through repetition of folded forms in your sketch models. I like the apparent contrast between the fluidity of Serra's planes with these more rigid constructions.
