Project II - Exercise 07

Today we discussed the importance of scale both in terms of the interpersonal relationships that arise through inhabitation, as well as its role in design and representation.  Additionally, we introduced the idea of constructive order which may be defined as the fundamental organizing principle for the design.  As your project develops, the constructive order may also evolve, and you should strive to continually identify the order(s) you are working with.

As you continue to develop your proposal for Project II, refer to the following parameters:

•  Develop a scheme that negotiates between two distinct spaces accommodating contrasting modes of inhabitation.
•  Identify spatial qualities of each area and how they are differentiated (views, light, transitions, etc.)
•  Explore approach and context (e.g. how does your construct meet the ground?)
•  Consider sequence of movement to and through the design
•  Understand scale differences and employ varying levels of detail at different scales
•  Determine relationships: between spaces, between people, between landscape and construction

Exercise 07 due Thursday September 26:
•  At a scale of 1/2” = 1’-0”, draft plans and sections of your models.  Use this drawing exercise to practice your technical drafting skills.  Incorporate the feedback you received in class, and approach these drawings as another medium through which you can develop your schemes further.  

•  Using your study in casting, the form of which was derived from both the model material and human-movement qualities, characterize the constructive order of your design work. You may define your constructive order through vignette drawings, taxonomies of connection methods, casting operations, simplified models, or purely through written description. The purpose of this exercise is to understand the language through which your design ideas speak. The constructive order should be connected to scale in a discrete manner.

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