Friday, November 23, 2012

MVRDV and Diller Scofidio and Renfro- Process

Here MVRDV contemplates how the quantity of square footage allocated towards certain programs will affect the building's function.

For the same building, MVRDV determines how these modules will stack together and how that affects the interaction with the surrounding site.
This diagram explores how lights, views and terraces are factored into the design.

The final building, a mixed-use high rise in Copenhagen.


This selection of diagrams shows the key concepts at Diller Scofidio and Renfro's Dance and Music Center at the Hague.

 A final rendering of the project.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like and appreciate your inclusion of the second MVRDV diagram! The move form 'village as pixels' to 'village as block' made me think of the transition of humans first living in scattered/nomadic style homes, to now living in the more modern apartment style homes. If the concept behind the stacking and jutting out of 'pixels' was explained without visuals, I would not have made these associations. I had seen this project before and had thought it was a 'cool' looking building. After seeing these diagrams, and understanding the process and reasoning behind the form, I now have a more meaningful reaction to the building...and a new level of respect for the form of the building, as well as its designers.
