Monday, October 28, 2013

Project III - Exercise 04 & 05

Exercise 04 due Thursday October 31:

•  Visit the site.  In order to gain a better understanding, visit the site at different times of day and days of the week, so plan on returning several times throughout the project.  Catalog your thoughts and impressions through sketches, diagrams, and photography. In particular, consider: traffic patterns (including cars, public transportation, pedestrians and bicycles), sun/shade and air patterns, textures, ground conditions (including vegetation, hardscape, and soils), as well as more atmospheric qualities of sound.  Think about the way you are representing this information. Are you communicating it through the type of notation, the density and orientation of your marks, their texture or tone? It may be helpful to use plan and sections as an underlay.

Exercise 05 due Monday November 4:

• Produce (6) site analysis diagrams.  We’ll have a little time to work on these in class on Thursday, but what you need to prepare prior to Thursday’s class is the information that you will be diagramming. You should have a plan of how you will communicate, through diagrams, each layer of information. The final hard-lined diagrammes will be due on Monday

•  Conceptualize the space(s) for the display and experience of each artwork. Continuing from this week, sketch through 3 possible ways to interact with each artwork. Produce well thought out sketches of sectional, planar, and perspective studies or sketch models exploring the relationships between the works as well as sequencing and human experience of the artworks. Each piece of art should be displayed in a space devoted to that work, however, these spaces can overlap or be connected.

Consider the following:
What is the scale of the space in relation to the work of art?
What is the nature of the relationship between the artwork and the space containing the artwork?
What is the relationship between the artwork and the context? (sky, street, etc)
What is the relationship between your three selected pieces? Are the other pieces visible? If so, are they in the distance, foreground, periphery etc.

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